orange decorative speed lines on a black background orange decorative speed lines on a black background

Security is Our Priority

STAR® is fully committed to strengthening network integrity with state-of-the-art fraud mitigation solutions that help protect your assets and minimize cardholder disruption. By utilizing several layers of risk management, we are able to provide the safety and security your cardholders expect. 

Our innovative fraud and risk solutions

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Real-time predictive fraud scoring uses AI and machine learning technology to provide a risk score for issuers in their transaction decision-making process

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STAR Network Guardian detects and manages fraud by monitoring debit card activity for suspicious transactions and augments existing risk rules and processes 

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3D Secure adds a powerful level of security to the authentication of eCommerce transactions and promotes increased consumer confidence in online shopping

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STAR also employs payment industry standards like PIN, CVI, AVS, tokenization and EMV®, collectively improving debit transaction security

EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC.  

One of the nation's leading full-service debit networks

For more information on STAR and other Fiserv solutions call us at 800-872-7882 or complete the form below.  

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